First there was the eerie Resident Evil, then the video game nasty Silent Hill.

Now, we have Vampire Hunter D, the latest addition to the spooky action-adventure genre. D is a half-human, half-vampire bounty hunter who has been hired to rescue a millionaire's child from the undead.

Armed with a ridiculously-long sword, spells and a left hand that talks to you (do not ask), you take on the forces of darkness.

In keeping with games of this sort, there is a lot of wondering around long corridors, frustrating puzzles to solve and zombies to slaughter.

Vampire Hunter D really is not very original and, five years after Resident Evil, does not add much to the genre. Nonetheless, this is an atmospheric and generally enjoyable romp with some genuinely scary moments.

The soundtrack and the background graphics are well done and some thought has gone into the player's adversaries. Many look as if they have come straight from an Anne Rice novel.

Just do not play this game with the lights out.

Price: £9.99. Contact: 020 7240 3121.

Feel good factor: 7 out of 10.