I can understand it must cause great distress to people who have found their relatives have had organs taken from their dead bodies without permission.

I think the suggested new law whereby permission for such action is obtained from parents and relatives is a very good one. I also think the idea of enclosing a donor card in employees' wage packets is very good.

I have carried a donor card for longer than I can remember, donating all my organs to medical research. I shall add this request to my last will and testament.

I have lost five brothers, six sisters, one husband and one good and loyal companion. I did not want to see any of them after death. I saw one sister made up like a film star. It made me feel sick.

Our bodies eventually go to dust and are only suitcases of flesh, blood and bones after death. The spirit, I believe, goes to a better place.

I gave blood four times and each time I had to be "unhooked" as I felt nauseated. I can't bear the sight of scarlet blood.

I told the sister in charge: "I don't think I'll come again as I'm a nuisance." Her reply: "Half a pint is better than nothing at all." She was right.

-Sue Davies, Caburn Road, Hove