Denton Island did not prove a happy hunting ground for Sussex in their home leg of the Home Counties League match against Surrey.

The four rinks lost 78-61.

Only one of the four was successful, yet at the away venue in Egham, Sussex had three winning rinks. The mobile phones were in constant use over the closing few ends but the final result was in Surrey's favour as they scraped home 150-147.

Don Kent (Denton), Trevor Monk (Egerton), Brian Miller (Denton) and Basil Holding of Preston were 28-12 winners at Denton. They put in a 2,1,2,2 finish to beat John Sussex 28-12. Holding's team had led 17-8 at ten ends and 21-10 at 15.

While that good finish was taking place, Gareth Beven (Worthing Pavilion), selector Alex Wright of Preston, who was a late inclusion when Tony Clarkson of Falaise failed to arrive, Ron Packham and Steve Jeapes (both Falaise) dropped 3,1,1,2,1 over the closing ends to be beaten 24-11 by Paul Short. At ten ends the Jeapes rink had been 10-6 down and trailed 16-10 at 15.

Ray Hodd, Steve Sands, who got his county badge, debut-making Colin Murray and Peter Gunston (all Egerton Park) were involved in a close game. They led 9-6 at ten ends, were 11-11 at 15 before the 20th end cost them a three. They went into the last three down and lost 16-15 to Ian Ross.

There was a big cheer after the 11th end when the other rink of Martin Bigglestone, Steve Bain (both Eastbourne), Robin Boswell (Egerton) and Derek Dyer of Eastbourne finally scored their first shots.

But they only won four of the 21 ends and crashed 26-7 to Paul Vamvacopolous whose drawing was exquisite and his firing deadly accurate. The score had been 16-0 at ten ends and 18-5 at 15.

At Egham, Sussex won 86-72 but it should have been been better as two rinks slipped up over the closing ends and Lee Cooper (Preston), Ralph Lonsdale (Grattons), Ken Holden (Adur) and Chris Young (Worthing) were already struggling.

From only 9-8 down at ten ends they then dropped 2,2,1,4,2,4 and lost 27-12 to Ian Honnor.

Robin Armstrong, Darren Miles, Tony Bull and Frank Armstrong (all Arun) went from 10-7 down at 11 ends to 20-13 up at 18. Unfortunately the 19th cost them a five but they managed to win 22-19 over John Kenton.

From 28-6 ahead at 16 ends, Eric South (Preston), Phil Hillsden (Adur), Simon Pettingel (Grattons) and Preston's Richard Moses, who was making a rare but very welcome appearance, did fall from grace a little. They won 29-14 over Gerry Woodger.

Ricky Hobbs, Matt Bonnar (both Arun), Nick Dudman (Worthing Pavilion) and Alan Catterson of Arun scored nine shots over their last five ends and were good value for a 23-12 win over Harry Craig.

Ian Harvey (Arun), John Godfrey and Terry Stevens (both Adur) and Preston's Adrian Finnie dropped out from the selected four rinks due to travel and the replacements were the Armstrongs father and son, Bull and South. Surrey took six points and Sussex four.