In response to the anonymous letter regarding the council staff bus, can I say it does not 'ferry' staff from their homes to work.

It runs between the council's main buildings, enabling staff to move quickly and efficiently between sites to carry out their duties.

It is quite inappropriate to draw any comparisons with the home to school transport service or the subsidising of under-used routes as both these services come from different council budgets.

The leader of the council has chosen to take up the option of a free bus pass, rather than a car parking space, as she is not a car owner. This does not exclude her from using the staff bus, which she does patronise when appropriate.

The staff shuttle bus was introduced when Brighton and Hove Councils merged and staff had to relocate.

It was the result of a negotiated agreement with UNISON, the staff union which asked for the service.

As a good employer the council is quite happy for staff to use the bus for part of their journey to and from work, although its main purpose is for use during working hours.

The service will be reviewed as part of the council's Best Value Transport Review.

-John Balance, executive councillor for environmental services