With Andrew hardy, Owner of DoubleClick-IT

Q: How can I prevent getting the love bug virus through e-mails?

A: Never open attachments from people you do not know, especially any that end in js as these are script files that can wreak havoc. This does not completely solve the problem as the love bug virus comes from someone who has your e-mail address in their list.

If you receive files regularly, try to arrange with senders that they add an agreed phrase to any e-mail with attachments so you know it is genuine.

Q: How can I get rid of the Windows 98 login screen?

A: The process is a little involved to cover in this column. There are a number of online resources that explain how to do it. One that worked for me is at: www.infini source.com/windows98/tune-10.htm. This does involve changing network settings. Approach with caution.