Adam Trimingham states he would not mind an incinerator on Shoreham harbour (Argus, August 10). He may not. Most people would.

Apart from the dangers of pollution and cost of keeping the site running, many would object to the constant stream of lorries through Brighton and Hove, culminating in the western end of Hove, Portslade, Fishersgate, Southwick and Shoreham to deliver the rubbish.

No one in their right senses would place an incinerator where traffic must go through town centres to reach it. The area surrounding Shoreham harbour is heavily polluted already, and with its prevailing south-west wind, would affect further the Place to Be. An agreed visions for the regeneration of Shoreham harbour is what our members wish to promote.

-June Lucas, secretary, Association of Harbours Communities, Portslade