The man killed in yesterday's M23 pile-up was a married British Airways worker with a young daughter.

Lee Carter, 28, died when the baggage transfer vehicle he was driving shot through the central reservation north of Gatwick and crashed with oncoming traffic.

Another male driver suffered multiple injuries and was in a critical condition at the East Surrey Hospital, Redhill, last night. Mr Carter, who was taking suitcases from Gatwick to Heathrow when the smash happened just after 7am, died at the scene.

In all, eight people were injured in the six-vehicle crash. Surgeons at East Surrey last night operated on a man who sustained open fractures in the impact. His condition was described as serious but stable.

A BA spokeswoman paid tribute to Mr Carter, who lived in Middlesex. She said: "Lee will be very sadly missed by all his colleagues. Our heartfelt condolences go out to everyone who knew him. He had worked for the airline since 1998 and was a valued member of staff."

The BA baggage vehicle collided with two other vans, an articulated lorry, a delivery lorry and a Vauxhall Astra estate car. One driver described the scene as "absolute carnage".

The crash disrupted traffic for up to 12 hours and at their mid-morning peak the tailbacks stretched for 40 miles, involving about 40,000 cars.

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