STRIKER Simon Funnell has declared himself fit for Worthing's big FA Cup adventure.

The former Albion man limped out of Saturday's stormy 2-0 defeat by Bromley after taking a knock to the ankle.

But he contected manager Sammy Donnelly yesterday morning to confirm there was no lasting damage.

Paul Kennett missed the match with a cut to the foot but is also expected to be fit for Saturday.

Donnelly said: "I know the cup match has been in the back of our minds.

"Now we can really look forward to the game and concentrate on preparing professionally."

Television cameras will focus on the Worthing squad when they train at Woodside Road tomorrow.

Rebels will spend Friday night at a top hotel favoured by Premiership clubs when they visit Yorkshire.

The team will then enjoy a light training session on Saturday morning before heading to Millmoor, where they are likely to have the support of around 700 fans.

Donnelly said: "The facilities at the hotel are excellent and we'll make the most of them.

"We'll go through some set pieces on Saturday morning and have a chat about the game."

Worthing have re-signed stopper Damian Webber, though he is ineligible for the Rotherham trip.

The Yorkshiremen are now second in Nationwide Division Three after their workmanlike 1-0 win at Northampton on Saturday.

Big target man Leo Fortune-West produced the lay-off from which strike partner Paul Warne hit the 80th minute winner with a crisp left foot drive from 20 yards.

They managed just three shots on target but defended solidly to the delight of their noisy following.

Former Bolton man Steve Thompson was their main playmaker while Rebels will also have to guard against the long throws of Fulham old boy Rob Scott.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.