CRAWLEY Hospital is to receive a Government cash boost to improve its casualty department, it was announced today.

The East Surrey and Sussex NHS Trust, which runs the hospital, has been told it will receive part of a £2.5 million sum allocated by the Government for Sussex hospitals.

Crawley Hospital will get the best part of £600,000 from the NHS Modernisation Fund to carry out improvements.

The money will pay for new design and layout to help staff keep an eye on patients in the casualty department.

Communications within the hospital will also be improved with plans for 24-hour access to senior consultants and diagnostic support.

The announcement was made by Health Secretary Frank Dobson this morning.

The Surrey and Sussex trust is to put in £85,000 of its own money to pay for the casualty improvement scheme at Crawley, and another scheme at East Surrey Hospital in Redhill, Surrey.

David Monk, director of strategic planning, said the trust had bid for the money last year.

He said: "We're absolutely delighted. Delighted for our patients and delighted for our staff.

"It will improve both the quality of care and conditions."

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