CHILDREN in hospital will benefit from a sponsored walk being organised by Albion fans.

money from the event on Sunday, November 22, will go the Royal Alexandra Children's Hospital, Brighton, and the supporters' Buy a Player Appeal.

Walkers will gather at the Royal Alex car park in Dyke Road, Brighton, between 9am and 9.30am and leave for Hove Recreation Ground at 9.30am.

Refreshments will be available when they reach the Rec at about 10.15am. Then BHA United, the Albion supporters' team, will play a cup match against Goring at 10.30am.

Barry Harmer, operational manager at the Royal Alex, said: "We will be delighted with whatever we get from the event as this will go towards the purchase of medical equipment.

"It's really good that we are able to combine the interest in what happens at the Albion with raising money for a local hospital."

The Buy a Player Appeal has already handed over £17,500 to Albion towards the purchase of winger Rod Thomas, bought from Chester for £25,000. The walk will help raise the other £7,500.

Sponsor forms are available from the Albion club shop in Queens Road, Brighton, and on 01273 204731, 01273 885658 or 01243 783041.

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