PUPILS have been sent packing from a secondary school for wearing the wrong-shaped jumpers.

On the first day back yesterday, more than 20 pupils wearing black round-necks were told not to return without regulation V-necks.

The move at 1,100 pupil Longhill School in Rottingdean, Brighton, sparked an angry reaction from parents who labelled the decision irresponsible and pathetic.

Marie Bonwick, of Warren Road, Woodingdean, who sits on the school's parents association, was furious when she arrived to pick up her daughter, Jemma, 15, and found she had been sent home.

She said: "They all wore round-neck jumpers last year. I didn't even know they had to wear V-necks this year.

"But I am more angry with the way they have handled this.

"They have told pupils to go home and not come back untilthey have the right uniform.

"But I was not at home and my husband was at work. This is a ridiculous way to behave."

Crystal Osmann spent all summer preparing her daughter, Becky, 15, for school following an attack of glandular fever. But she too was told to go home.

Crystal, of Cowley Drive, Woodingdean, said: "Becky missed lots of time last year with her illness and we were hoping to get her attendance rate back up this term."

Longhill pupil Clarissa Smith, 15, made the headlines last month when she claimed there was no point going to school.

After the Argus revealed her feelings, council bosses pledged to make school more attractive by giving her more work experience.

However Clarissa, of Stanstead Crescent, was also among pupils sent home.

Headteacher Geoffrey Ellis said: "I do not think this is a particular problem. Parents will just have to change the jumpers.

"If they are upset about it, I suggest they contact the school. But we must maintain standards."

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