DRIVERS in the Lewes area face two weeks of lane closures and delays as the final phase of a £140,000 road barrier revamp kicks in.

A new island barrier is being built on the A27 near Beddingham to stop traffic taking right turns opposite the junction with Ranscombe Lane. Now the last stage of work is pushing motorists into one lane, with temporary lights alternating flows between 9.30am and 4pm. Areduced speed limit of 40mph has also been brought in. The Highways Agency has pledged to put up advance information signs when traffic is heavy, but is warning that severe delays are expected. Route manager Richard Stiles said: "This barrier will mean safer journeys for motorists, with the elimination of right turns in and out of Ranscombe Lane. "We aim to keep disruption to a minimum, and apologise for the delays." AA spokeswoman Rebecca Rees said: "We urge people to find alternative routes if they can, and not to get too hot under the collar." The current work programme goes on to Sunday next week. It marks the last stage of a barrier construction which started on February 23.

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