THERE is traffic chaos in much of Brighton at the moment and London Road traders are putting that down to the new traffic management scheme.

In fact, most of the jams are being caused by gas main work in Viaduct Road which was specially delayed for two years until the road was made one-way to cause less disruption. Verdicts on the scheme as a whole should be reserved until this work has finished, and preferably until the scheme is completed in June. The laudable intention is to make London Road more pleasant as a shopping area by taking half the traffic out of it. But as traders suggested in a meeting, there are actions Brighton and Hove Council could take right away to improve conditions. They include minor adjustments to roads, better signposting and greater access to car parks. The council needs to make these improvements quickly and show traders that it is listening to their concerns.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.