by Lucinda Dore CHART-TOPPING boy band 911 gave a spectacular and entertaining show at the Brighton Centre last night.

The teeny bopper fans who packed the centre could not wait to see their idols and there was an air of excitement before the trio took the stage. Earlier, the audience were entertained by Hinda Hicks, from Billingshurst, and boy band Ultra. But the young audience just wanted to see 911. Jimmy, Spike and Lee made their appearance singing from a crane. They are three average-looking lads who know how to appeal to an audience. The trio have a relaxed attitude and try to be at one with their fans, rather than adopt a star image. They even conversed with fans near the stage and joked about the many banners around the Brighton Centre. At 18, I felt rather old. And most of the mums and dads on escort duty stayed in the bar to escape the screaming inside the hall. The fans thoroughly enjoyed the show. It was a girls' night out and they were determined to make it a night to remember. The trio performed their major hits - Body Shakin', Night to Remember and The Journey - then dedicated their new song All I Want is You to the Brighton audience. The Glaswegian band are talented singers but it was obvious they have only just entered the world of pop stardom and have still to reach their full potential. They have strong voices and fast-moving feet. But I think you see better-looking blokes walking around Brighton. The girls who had been looking forward to this concert for weeks were not disappointed and thoroughly enjoyed their night out. Iam sure 911 will be back to see their many fans in Brighton before too long and the centre will again be packed with young teenagers and primary school children.

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