PARENTS picketed a Brighton school today amid fears of a merger.

They are angry at a review of accommodation at Whitehawk infants and junior schools, which some say could lead to the closure of the infant school and its nursery. About a dozen parents gathered outside the school gates today to discuss their fears. Lorina Chessell, of Fletching Close, who has six children at the schools, said she had gathered 200 names on a petition. About a quarter of the places in both schools, which are next door to each other in Whitehawk Road, are vacant. The juniors school currently has 350 pupils and the infants about 150. The children went home with a letter on Friday signed by both heads, Barbara Shackell and Pat Emmett, acknowledging a review was going on. John Ballance, chair of governors at the infants, said: "The letter did say that they were unaware of any decision that might be taken by the local education authority. "We have had a meeting with the local education authority to go over the numbers and the roles of the schools. We have not yet been told its outcome or that any merger is to take place. It is a possibility." Mr Ballance said a special meeting of governors would be held on Thursday when they would discuss the situation further. He said they had been concerned for some time about falling roles and were trying to encourage Brighton and Hove Council to fill empty council houses on the estate to boost the number of children. Local councillor Mo Marsh said: "Nothing has been decided yet. Although I need to find out more, my understanding is that if the two schools were merged it would merely mean they would have one headteacher, deputy and governing body." Max Vaughan, of Whitehawk Residents' Association, said: "We will oppose any merger of the schools tooth and nail."

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