An out-of-town car park would certainly relieve companies from having to provide expensive parking for their employees.

There is also a good argument for suggesting they park at then ride from their nearest train station.

And park-and-ride may also put more shoppers in the shops but what it will not do is help the town centre's congestion, which is down to poor traffic management.

A congestion charge might not be popular but it has worked elsewhere.

No one seems to accept that the price demanded by choosing either of the selected sites is too high. Brighton is more than a conurbation of shoppers and workers.

It is a community which needs services and facilities.

The RSPCA takes in and re-homes 3,000 animals a year. The reason the animal shelter has expanded so much over the past few years is because it has had the room to accept hundreds of unwanted animals.

Who will do this if we don't?

The Braypool playing fields are used by footballers, cricketers and dog-walkers. Brighton and Hove City Council says it will provide alternative sports facilities. If it has the land and money to do so, why doesn't it just provide extra facilities?

It is obvious the large number of pro-park-and-ride articles in The Argus are from public relations professionals employed by those with vested interests in the scheme going ahead.

-Frances Lindsay Hills, chairman, Sussex, Brighton and East Grinstead RSPCA