I wish to make an overdue comment about the behaviour of some of the foreign language students who visit Brighton.

The problem concerns their travelling on the buses. The front seats of local buses are clearly marked as priority seating for elderly and disabled people, or those unable to stand for one reason or another.

On numerous occasions, I have seen perfectly fit, young students sitting in these seats.

When someone who is elderly or disabled boards the bus, the students make no attempt to vacate their seats.

On one occasion, I noted there was one youth sitting on the very front seat with his feet up. At three different stops, people with walking sticks boarded.

On leaving the bus, I tried to point out to him he should not have been sitting there. He pretended not to be able to read or to understand what I was saying.

Whether or not they can understand the signs is irrelevant. There is such a thing as common courtesy and respect for those, in any society, who are less physically able.

I wonder if they behave in this manner in their own country or is it a case of angel at home and devil away?

-Denise Crilly, Hove