Was your habitual correspondent, Michael Parker, encouraged to write his ill-informed letter, "Songs to make a week last forever" (August 9), merely to provoke a plethora of replies?

Anyone can pick up a Guinness Book Of Hit Singles and look up song titles beginning with a day of the week but it takes a little more knowledge to appreciate the many other songs where the day of the week features elsewhere in the title.

Mr Parker's assertion that "None of us feel much inspiration on a Monday ... there are only two Monday songs" will have Sir Bob Geldof dumbfounded for once.

Nobody can dispute he was deeply inspired the day Brenda Spencer shot dead so many at her school just because she didn't like Mondays, and The Chairmen Of The Board will be bemused that Mr Parker believes there were only three hits with Tuesday in the title as their 1971 song "Everything's Tuesday" reached number 12, higher than all three of his efforts.

I am sure you will receive many more examples. Come on, Mr Parker, put your pen down for a while - you can't be in the paper every day!

-Jack Pike, Hove