The organisers of Pride estimate that this year it generated up to 5.5 million extra pounds for Brighton and Hove's economy.

This is based on an estimate of 110,000 people coming into Brighton and Hove who would not otherwise have come and spending £50 per head which they would not otherwise have spent here.

The figure of £50 is modest enough but I wonder how the figure of 110,000 visitors was arrived at.

How did they spot and deduct local residents who were already here and probably did not spend an extra £50 above their normal weekend expenditures.

What allowance should be made for people who would have come to Brighton but for Pride.

Some people surely feared spending the day sitting in traffic jams and chose to go elsewhere.

What allowance should be made for local people who went to Preston Park instead of going shopping in the city. And so on.

This is not to knock Pride. It is to say the city's economy is important and deserves better than back-of-an-envelope estimates assuming the status of fact.

-Trevor Pateman, Brighton