Those attending or observing the peace march, against the weapons components factory EDO at Moulescoomb, on Saturday will have seen modern-day policing in action.

Untold numbers of police from Sussex and London (haven't they got more important things to occupy them right now?) plus a helicopter hovering overhead blocked fewer than 100 marchers halfway down North Street, Brighton, causing chaos to buses and shoppers alike.

The reason given was that police had not been informed of the march's route but this had been widely publicised beforehand and was planned to finish at The Level.

Had the marchers been allowed to proceed, they would have cleared the area in less than ten minutes.

Instead, a situation arose where several people, including a man of 81, were arrested for obstruction of the highway, the most trivial offence under the law.

If the police really didn't want the march to go ahead, wouldn't it have been better to contain those gathering at the start in Churchill Square? Britain used to be known for its right to free speech and protest marches. Not any more.

So, people of Brighton and Hove, please remember what you saw when you next need a police officer and you're told they are short of resources.

-Sue Baumgardt, Hove