I was interested, but not surprised, to read about British Gas losing customers.

For gas, I have always found the company fine but switching to it for my electricity has been a long disaster.

A new meter was installed soon after I made the change and my electricity bills began to skyrocket. It turned out that the meter had its readings reversed. I was paying night rates for day and vice versa.

After an exhausting six months' battle, and with the help of energywatch, I finally convinced British Gas of this and received a large refund.

Now it has started all over again. In August, I suddenly received a new accounting going back to 2003 and a bill for £840.65. Some genius had gone back to 2003 and switched the readings back again.

Do they keep no records in our brave new computer age?

After the usual slow battle with the switchboard, I have talked to several charming and helpful young women.

The result so far has been an inexplicable bill for £749.36 and, today, an unexpected visit from a meter reader who knew nothing about it but listened to my story, made a note of it, and wished me luck.

I rather feel I need it.

-Jane Aiken Hodge, Lewes