A gunman fired two shots at a jeweller who gave chase after a heist.

Terrified shoppers froze in fear as gunshots rang out during the dramatic jewellery shop robbery.

The man with a handgun burst into Amore Jewellers, in Piries Place, the busy shopping precinct in Horsham, shortly after 4pm yesterday.

He threatened staff and demanded they hand over jewellery.

As the robber fled with a haul of gems, the heroic shop jeweller ran out after him.

The robber ran across the square but as the jeweller gained on him, the robber suddenly stopped, turned and opened fire.

The bullet whizzed past the jeweller, missing him by inches.

Panic spread across the square as shoppers ducked for cover.

Undeterred, the jeweller risked his life by carrying on the chase.

They ran into nearby Pump Alley where the robber found himself cornered and fired another shot at the jeweller.

Again, the bullet missed but the gunshot gave the robber time to escape.

He fled fled the scene and is now being hunted by police.

Police have issued an image of the robber caught by security cameras at the precinct.

Officers are warning the public not to approach him if they see him.

Brett Hunnisett, 33, manager at the Bang and Olufson shop a few doors away from the jewellers, said: "There was panic around the square.

"The police turned up and cordoned the area off but there were still people milling around, looking at each other wondering what's going on.

"It's something you just don't expect in a quiet little market town like Horsham. I have been here for four years and it is something I have never heard of before.

"There is nothing I can do to make staff feel more secure. In the next week or so people are going to be more careful about who they leave in their stores."

Tom Wright, 22, bar manager at the precinct's B52's Restaurant and Bar, said: "Everybody was shocked. We couldn't believe what was happening.

"We went out to see but by the time we got there the robber had run off and things had calmed down. I am hoping this is a one-off."

William Parsonson, Liberal Democrat Councillor for Horsham Town Centre, said: "I am genuinely shocked by this. We have problems with rowdy kids who have got nothing better to do in Horsham but never armed robbery."

Coun Christine Costin runs Horsham Bookshop, a stone's throw from the jewellery shop.

She said: "I just feel sympathy for the shopworker involved.

"It is a really nasty thing to happen, just terrible. Horsham is a glorious place and we regard it as a safe shopping area."

Detective Inspector Jo Wainwright, heading the investigation, urged people not to approach the offender if they see him. "Dial 999 immediately," she said.

The gunman is black, 6ft tall and wore a white baseball cap and a black hoody.

Police last night were assessing the amount of jewellery taken.

Gun crime has been falling across Sussex. There were 82 incidents involving firearms between September 2003 and September 2004, compared to 136 in 2002/3.

Witnesses are asked to call 0845 6070 999.