It seems Brighton and Hove City Council is determined to go ahead with Frank Gehry's plans for the development of the King Alfred site despite the many objections from the people who will be most affected.

Nor, as Tony Moon (Letters, September 15) says, has there been any move to have a referendum on the development.

The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, is not to everyone's taste and just because Gehry is a world-famous architect does not mean we have to approve his plans, despite what columnists Adam Trimingham and Lynn Daly say.

Nor is the Royal Pavilion a valid reason why a new controversial design should be approved. It was out of place when it was built but fortunately it is quite small and does not and never did dominate the town.

It has now become an amusing relic but nothing more. The Prince Regent may have helped popularise Brighton but so did sea bathing.

-RJ Barkley, Hove