Take two young, unusually-named, female-dominated indie bands, put them on at the Ocean Rooms in the middle of the week and what do you get?

Not enough people to witness performances which should achieve greater recognition.

It's impossible not to love The Victorian English Gentlemen's Club: Two girls - on bass and drums - and a floppy-fringed boy on guitar creating a jagged, ramshackle sound somewhere between Wire and The Pixies, punctuated by off-kilter choruses and harmonies.

The Organ have no boy members at all- they're a band of five whippet-thin young women from Canada with a perfect set of musical references, from the timbre of Sixties Hammond-driven pop to the post-punk guitar tones of the late Seventies and, most evident, the melodic idiosyncracies of the Eighties - specifically, The Smiths.

These bands deserve a stake in the future sound of music, a place in every indie kid's heart and bigger audiences.