Cyclists and pedestrians face three months of disruption as a crumbling section of seafront is repaired.

A 200m stretch of footpath and cycle track will be closed off until the spring as work is carried out on the Carousels in the Kings Road Arches, Brighton.

A diversion opposite the Thistle Hotel will take people who would normally use the route on to the seafront.

The £300,000 project is being funded by Brighton and Hove City Council.

Adam Pride, of cycle group Bricycles, said: "I am going to have to cycle along Western Road or the main Kings Road and I am an experienced cyclist but it is a very fast route and I would prefer to use the bike track.

"There is no other option for cyclists. The closure has not been well advertised and we will be sharing a pathway with pedestrians which will also cause problems and put some people off using their bikes."

The Carousels is one of the oldest sections of the Kings Road Arches and includes a cafe, penny arcade, sweet shop and a carousel on the promenade outside during the summer.

The site is one of the most photographed attractions in Brighton and the latest repairs will also see the external features reinstated.