The traditional pantomime season may be over but an original and inventive one is to be found at the NVT.

Following on from the success two years ago of the Last Resort, the company has produced an intriguing sequel which involves Brighton under a new ice age, a giant worm, time-travel and the reappearance of the Prince Regent, Mrs Fitzherbert and Old Mother Brighton.

Once again, they are pitted against the evil wiles of the dastardly Christiana and her plot to rule the universe.

This time, they are aided by, among others, an exceptionally well-endowed cave woman rejoicing in the name of Jawbone - an extremely funny and camp portrayal by Jonny Hume.

The show has original lyrics and music by Eleanor Gamper, with the highlight of the evening being Einstein Alive, a clever parody of the Bee Gees Staying Alive, with the scientist transported to a Seventies disco.

Running until February 4. Call 01273 746118.