Brighton and Hove has one of the highest rates of mental illness and drug problems (often related) in the country, yet Jean Calder's two touching articles on the subject (December 31 and January 14) have failed to elicit even one comment in your letters pages.

There must be lots of people out there who have been touched by mental illness in the family.

There is a dearth of well-supported accommodation for those discharged from hospital who are not ill enough to stay yet still need support.

To leave the protected environment of a hospital only to be placed in a room alone must be a disturbing experience for anyone, let alone the mentally ill.

Travelling through Brighton the other day I saw yet more luxury flats being built.

What is really needed in our city is a purpose-built or renovated large, older building which would serve as temporary accommodation for some of the most vulnerable in our midst.

Or is our society happy to let troubled people die, usually alone and without a mention?

-Susan Baumgardt, Hove