Paul Milana certainly has a romantic view of Innuit and other native fur trapping when he presents it as a defence for using fur in his designs (The Argus, February 3).

The reality is the trapped animals may suffer in a leghold trap or other device for many hours and sometimes days before being "dispatched" by the trapper.

Some animals chew their legs off to escape. He was also pictured with a mink-trimmed item of clothing.

This animal was probably reared on a mink farm - now considered cruel enough to be banned in this country.

I would suggest he uses his talents to design clothing which is ethical in the true sense. Namely, fair trade and with non-animal fabrics rather than those where native trappers are paid a derisory amount compared to the end price and which cause suffering and death to wild and farmed animals.

-Sue Baumgardt, Hove