Like telling time on a fake Rolex, supping Panda cola instead of Coke and sleeping with Rubber Rhonda - your big-bouncy-babe-in-a-box - a tribute band is never as good as the real thing.

However, when at least one of the original group has climbed that stairway to heaven, such gigs are the only way a fan can sniff a whiff of what once was.

Letz Zep have the upper hand on the likes of Think Floyd, the Bootleg Beatles and The Railing Staines, in that they have received an endorsement from Robert Plant himself.

So, are they worthy of such an honour? Yes, indeed.

Admittedly, the fake Robert Plant may not quite reach the highest of his doppelganger's banshee wails, but the rip-roaring riffs, demented, dexterous guitar solos and mad, hand-slapping drum freak-outs of that superhuman supergroup were all present and correct during two-and-a-half hours of great entertainment.

Letz Zep? Letz rock!