A "Del Boy" cache of property was found when police burst into a house.

Boxed Swiss watches, VW car keyrings, 15 boxes of trainers and piles of new and second-hand clothes were strewn around.

One officer said: "It's the stuff you'd see Trotter selling in the market in the TV show Only Fools and Horses."

The haul was discovered during one of 11 raids on suspected drug dealers in Crawley during three days of action ending yesterday.

The Argus agreed to a publication embargo until the raids had been completed and suspects were arrested.

Police said drug users were turning to shoplifting, burglaries and muggings to find money to feed their habits. Some dealers were accepting stolen goods as payment for drugs.

At another address officers found £5,000 in cash and an array of electrical goods, thought to have been stolen.

As a result of Operation Limpet, the climax to six months of intelligence gathering and covert surveillance operations, six men in their 20s were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to supply heroin and crack cocaine.

Detective Chief Inspector Andy Griffiths, Crawley's CID commander, said: "Much of our overall crime is due to the drugs trade.

"We targeted people selling and also identified users for referral to outreach services - we are trying to stop people quickly filling the shoes of the dealers we have arrested."

Mr Griffiths said the raids meant some users would find their regular suppliers were out of business and he urged them to seek help through Addaction on 01273 649856 and Family and Friends Project on 01243 382940.

Police were working with a West Sussex drug and alcohol action team and the local health trust which provide support for users.

Crawley police last night launched a Rat on a Rat poster and beer mat campaign to encourage members of the public to call with information on dealers on the Sussex Police line 0845 6070999 or Crime-stoppers on 0800 555111.