Companies are being offered health and safety courses.

The courses aim to prevent accidents and ill health arising from work activities.

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 require that employees are provided with adequate information, instruction and training to ensure health and safety.

Karen Aslett, of Horsham District Council, which is offering the courses, said: "Health and safety can be a costly concern for employers and could result in loss of production, sickness absence, repairs to damaged property, replacement of damaged equipment, additional costs from having to employ agency staff to cover work personal injury claims, uninsured losses and legal action."

Those who go on the course will receive a nationally recognised qualification, the Foundation Certificate in Health and Safety in the Workplace, accredited by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health.

The courses last one day and will take place on Wednesday March 1, March 2, April 19 and 20 at Horsham District Council's Offices in Park House, North Street, Horsham.

Those wanting to go on the course will only pay £62.50 per person if they book before March 31.

To book for the course, or for more information contact Karen Aslett, Area Environmental Health Officer for Horsham District Council on 01403 215428.