It was interesting to read Kate Morrison's article on East Sussex County Council's £1.4 billion pension fund investments (The Argus, February 8).

There are, however, a few points which should also be mentioned.

Most importantly, it is despite being a Peace Messenger city that Brighton and Hove Council continues to invest in arms companies via this fund.

As Councillor Brian Fitch said in in an article in The Argus (January 17) condemning the University of Brighton for the same investment a few weeks ago: "Brighton and Hove is a Peace Messenger city and its public bodies should not be getting involved in the arms trade".

Now two Brighton and Hove Councillors - Coun Hazelgrove and Coun Drake - are on the investment panel of this pension company and they should be strongly encouraged by their fellow councillors to use their influence on the board to disinvest from arms companies.

The fact Brighton and Hove City Council recently passed a motion endorsing the Peace Messenger message - despite Councllor Bodfish limiting any embarrassment caused by mention of our own local bomb makers EDO/MBM - makes this disinvestment a matter of principle for our council.

As for investment in tobacco, my own father never got to see his pension, after dying of a smoking-related illness at the age of 56.

I'm sure many others whose pensions are or will be supported by this disgusting industry have been similarly robbed of loved-ones or will be in the future.

It is deeply and sadly ironic many council employees, once retired, are growing old on the proceeds of arms sales and tobacco. Growing old is not something many victims of either of these products are able to do.

-Glenn Williams, Brighton