The problem of waste has been placed on the individual's shoulders for too long. With the exception of a few extraordinary characters, most of our concerns turn to apathy after thwarted attempts to do something effective.

I would like our Government to take responsibility, to help us help ourselves and to become a world leader in reclaiming and recycling its resources, creating new incentives and new jobs for environmental industries.

How can we continue with our current pace of life? For the past 20 years central policy has done as little as it can get away with.

It is now unable to deal with the enormity of the problem and want to burn the evidence in giant incinerators.

We need new regulations which heighten standards in building and manufacturing, invest serious money in waste-recycling management, tighten regulations on packaging and safeguard our resources.

This would, in turn, cut down our carbon emissions. Without rules, people will cut corners to compete in this cut-throat economy. The attitude is the faster the better, the cheaper the better, wrap it in whatever and sell it.

But politics comes down to votes, so I would like to ask each of you to try harder.

If you often forget to recycle, now is the time to start remembering. If you think you do just enough, do more. Talk to people about what you do, join local environmental groups and write to your MP.

Show the Government you care. Because politics comes down to votes, you can make a difference.

-Christine Wiltshire, Hove