Lawrence Alkin (Letters, February 8) attacked my campaign, on behalf of HOVA (Heritage Over Vandalism, Actually), against the King Alfred redevelopment, by condemning buildings he assumes I recommended for approval when I was Borough Planning Officer of Brighton from 1974 to 1983.

He refers specifically to the Thistle Hotel and Bartholomew Square in the heart of the Old Town Conservation Area.

He may be surprised to learn I agree with him. However, the fact is, this major development was constructed four years after I retired.

As for the office blocks opposite Preston Park, again I share his views. But the policy of allowing these to replace the Victorian villas was established well before I took office and could not be reversed through the appeal process.

The 1973 street directory in Brighton Museum shows the number of offices which were there at that time. I support his reference to "our muchloved historic Preston Park".

Indeed, Brighton and Hove City Council accepted my recommendation that the park and the residential area to the east, up to Ditchling Road, be designated a conservation area.

Mr Alkin says he is outraged by my campaign against the Kind Alfred but I am perfectly entitled to my views, which are shared by many people.

-Ken Fines, Hove