In reference to the letter "No parking place" (The Argus, March 3), there has always been a shortage of parking in Kemp Town around the Royal Sussex County Hospital and this has been exacerbated over the past two years with the development of the site to incorporate the new Royal Alexandra Hospital for Sick Children building.

As a local resident and worker at the hospital, I know residents can't park, hospital workers have to continually repark their cars during the day and visitors plus outpatients spend valuable time circling Kemp Town looking for parking places.

At a planning meeting it was "projected" that 1,100 new parking spaces would be needed per day once the children's hospital was built but no parking allowance was made for that. The recommendation was that people use the buses (this includes everybody, including those needing chemotherapy).

Things are about to get worse for all residents, patients and staff .

-Name and address supplied