Since when has travelling in this country become akin to warfare?

Cyclists, pedestrians and 4x4 owners are constantly arguing on the Letters page and, if it's not that, it's people driving aggressively.

While overtaking a van on my motorbike the other day, it accelerated, preventing me from re-entering the traffic flow and almost causing a head-on collision.

Everyone is different - some good and some bad. Stereotyping a group because you have had a bad experience with an individual is stupid.

Do people have so little to do they have to continue these pathetic quarrels? Does life offer them so little that the only way they can get enjoyment is by trying to kill someone for daring to overtake them?

Grow up. You are all examples of why we deserve a nanny state.

I walk, cycle (on the pavement), ride a motorbike, drive a car and care for the environment, recycling regularly and only using motorised transport when necessary.

Needless to say, I had little to do today.

-Luke Turner, Eastbourne