I am deeply concerned about the planning application BH2006/00900 Re: Waste transfer station, Hollingdean Lane because of its close proximity to schools and houses in an area which is already at bursting point with the amount of traffic which passes through it daily.

The huge construction could not be any closer to flats, houses and schools and I am amazed the proposal has been adopted.

I find it very hard to believe any person involved with pushing this application through would even consider buying a house or sending their children to school in an area with such a development as a neighbour.

I have two young children, one of which started school last September at Downs Infant School.

I have found this school to be absolutely fantastic and my daughter could not be happier there.

It fills me with great sadness to think she could be forced to play in a playground just feet away from where Brighton and Hove's waste is being dealt with and transferred out of the city.

The community in this area and, I believe, the council, have been working extremely hard to reduce the amount of traffic pollution there.

One of the key elements has been encouraging people to walk to school. With this in mind, how could the council contemplate increasing the volume of traffic with trucks the size of which should never be seen in a residential area.

The bridge which the trucks must pass under can't even cope with the day-to-day volume and size of the current vehicles passing through. How on Earth could it cope with trucks ten times the size of the average car?

I am also very worried about the pollution level increase should this development be approved. Not only will it cause health problems but also the noise level will at times be unbearable.

Has anyone thought about the noise and dust levels during the construction of such a project in a residential area?

-Ross Dawes, Brighton