In what may be a case of unwitting pigeon-holing, the Bastard Sons Of Johnny Cash have saddled themselves with a name that implies they are simply a covers band standing in the shadow of the man in black.

They could have just as easily called themselves the Unwanted Progeny Of Tammy Wynette, such is their musical similarity to the country megastar, but as it turns out that's very far from a bad thing.

Occasionally drifting into Cash country with renditions of Folsom Prison Blues, Cry Cry Cry and Ring Of Fire, the lion's share of the foot-stompin', jowel-shaking bad-ass sounds were penned by the tour-weathered front man Mark Stuart.

With a touch of Cash's "steady like a train, sharper than a razor" iconic sound and a whole bunch of contemporary Americana, Stuart neatly avoided the pat sentimental pitfalls that invariably surround country music as he built up the crowd into a mass of badly coordinated hip-shakers who happily had the good sense to leave their "yee-haws" at home.

Having had a personal seal of approval from Cash himself, it's understandable why these talented rockabilly revivalists would want to hang on to his coat-tails - but judging by this, the last night of their UK tour, they have moxie enough to stand on their own.