I would like to reply to Dr Peter Kyle's letter (April 12). I hope he is right and ordinary people will have the opportunity to have a home within the King Alfred site.

Other readers appear to agree with me about the present proposals.

Going back to my previous letter (April 4), I think we need a design to remember the people who served in the Navy, many of whom no doubt died defending our right to have a say in the future of our city. How about building an image of a large ship which incorporates apartments, with a flat roof large enough for a helicopter pad?

As air travel is going to increase dramatically over the next few years, we can then be in the lead in preparing for the future, instead of continually trying to catch up.

I am sure Frank Gehry could create a wonderful design which would make a big impression on the South Coast and would be more appropriate for the site.

The present design looks to me like a lot of boxes on top of one another and does not really enhance the area.

If you were in Hove Park looking south you would be able to see this great ship and it would look as if it was sailing by, along the coast.

-Frank Blake, Hove