Director Carl Boardman brings a fresh approach to this well-known and much-loved play.

Not only does he present it as a promenade production, whereby audience and cast intermingle, but he makes it a dark and sinister one.

The stories of the young lovers and the antics of the rude mechanicals, rehearsing their play, are overshadowed by a primeval atmosphere.

The woodland fairies are not the frothy and benevolent kind as normally depicted.

Here they are swamp-like creatures that slither and crawl like the undead. They act as barriers throughout the wood, over and under which the lovers have to pass.

There are strong performances from Nick Hedges as Oberon, ruler of the fairy kingdom - a sinister, magical figure - and from Lex Hills, an earthy and sensuous Titania. Her seduction of Bottom is wonderfully funny.

As the object of her lust, Paul Wilson is sheer delight. He plays Bottom with great gusto, in the exaggerated style of a Victorian actor manager.

The evening is an interesting and entertaining one, although there are times when the director's interpretation needs some explanation.

Until May 20, call 01273 745118>