Playing to an early evening audience comprised mainly of "delegates" from the industry-centric Great Escape three-day festival was never going to be an easy gig for this bunch of smoky alt-country popstrels.

With a slight 30 minutes to convert a mostly jaded audience of chattering and (dare I say it?) self-important media types whose time seems to be better spent laughing insanely and looking disapprovingly at anyone having a good time, The Audreys were up against it from the get go.

That's not to say they didn't make a good fist of their short time with a set running the gamut of twee pop/folk, dust-bowl violin-led hip shakers and all-out frenzied country rawk.

Singer Taasha Coates' sweet voice and occasional bursts on melodica and harmonica struggled to get the attention at first.

But with the tight-trousered Mikey G's furious fiddling and permagrinned Tristan Goodall's sometimes-maniacal guitar/banjo backing her up it wasn't long before the skirts were swinging.

If they do make the return journey in the future, though, a longer set and a little less audience inanity might help things go more smoothly.