Maureen Stack asserts correctly that religious leaders and pro-life groups joined in opposing Lord Joffe's Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill.

This is not, however, a new development. The churches and their front organisations have opposed practically every reform.

On the question of assisted dying, the pro-lifers are characteristically insensitive.

The distress of some sufferers is so great they travel to a clinic in Switzerland where they can end life at a time of their choosing.

Religious opponents of assisted dying do not explain why their all-powerful, all-loving God (one of many) created germs, viruses, malignant growths and other afflictions which cause so much pain sufferers wish for death.

Moreover, it is a cruel irony that the most ardent pro-life-at-any-price lobbyists are often the most enthusiastic advocates of capital punishment.

-WJ McIlroy, Hove