"A comedy in three courses" declares the rather confident billing. I, however, was replete after the starter.

Perplexingly, author Tim Firth, whose stellar CV leaves one awestruck (as long as the pier and twice as impressive) is uncharacteristically under par here.

There are two intervals in this production, in order to accommodate three elaborate sets. One wonders why. With little substance to the plot, we have a case of The Emperors' New Clothes.

Of the cast, only Illona Linthwaite as Inga manages to inject any energy into the piece. Sadly, she appears all too briefly, but still eclipses the rest of the company with her sharp comic timing.

Sara Crowe disappoints with her standard, squeaky, grating intonation, and even Christopher Timothy seems bewildered at finding himself in this predicament.

A lacklustre, pedestrian, tired production in need of a kickstart. Harsh? Perhaps so. But we deserve better.

Until Saturday, call 01323 412000