How sad to find views like those of Ron Wood about keeping wild animals in captivity still exist in this modern and supposedly more enlightened age (Letters, May 26).

He says the seals and otters will be fed and cared for prisoners are fed and cared for. They still want to be free. So do wild creatures. Virginia McKenna has dedicated her life to trying to stop cruelty to wild creatures.

Since making the film Born Free with her late husband, Bill Travers, she has spoken out for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Many years ago, she was the guiding hand behind the successful campaign to release Misty and Silver, the captive dolphins, from the Brighton Aquarium. They were transported and released into the freedom of Caribbean waters.

Mr Wood says people will get a "great deal of pleasure" watching seals in captivity. Does he think people get a great deal of pleasure watching sad elephants and lions and tigers pacing up and down their cells in zoos, too? Does he really think animals' behaviour in captivity is any more natural than a prisoner pacing out his cell?

He concludes his letter by saying "it is not safe out there any more" meaning, I presume, not safe in our great oceans.

Not safe? Not safe? Of course the oceans are not absolutely safe for seals. They are the main source of food for great white sharks, for example a natural "law of the jungle" danger. Then there is the horrendous practice of long-line fishing a man-made horror.

jungle. All wild animals take their chances. It has ever been thus. Wild animals are born free. Let them die free too.

-Rob Alp, Slindon Common, Arundel