It says much about Zero 7 that Jose Gonzalez has chosen to accompany them on their current tour.

The Argentinian could easily be forgiven for abandoning the group following his rise to chart-topping solo fame but the singer/songwriter clearly has no intention of leaving behind a band as talented as this.

For as long as Zero 7 give energetic, musically-accomplished live performances like this one, Gonzalez will surely want to remain involved.

The group played an outstanding set, mixing their well-known ambient repertoire with powerful vocal performances and fascinating improvisation.

Tracks from their new album The Garden mixed with previous material from Simple Things and When It Falls, with plenty of time for experimentation.

The venue's acoustics fitted the performance perfectly. Gonzalez, whose hit Heartbeats will, unfortunately, be forever linked with advertising images of coloured balls bouncing around San Francisco, may be the biggest name involved but was by no means the star of the show, happily taking a supporting role.

It was a beautifully crafted performance by all seven members of the group.

But the limelight was definitely not going to be taken away from frontwoman Sia Furler, whose stunning voice was only matched by her enthusiastic dancing.

Her powerful renditions of Distractions and Somersault resonated around the venue, and she won a few friends with a shout to the "Steyning massive".

Fortunately, her body-popping robotics moves stopped just short of turning into a "Crouchy".