I would like to agree wholeheartedly with the the Green Party and People's Parking Protest about the dangerously short-sighted proposal to replace Brighton's current eight city parking zones with two large ones (The Argus, June 1).

However, I fear simply excluding zone A from the new proposals will only create more congestion for those of us who live by Brighton Station in zones D, F and G.

living two minutes from the station, I always encourage mine to do so.

The narrow streets close to the station, shops, restaurants and cafes in North Laine would be inundated with cars from areas as far away as the Hove boundary and The Level so residents would be forced to park in less popular areas, up to a mile from their homes. This would massively increase the number of cars milling around the city centre looking for places to park, adding to congestion and pollution.

It's difficult enough to park in our own streets as it is.

What is wrong with leaving things as they are and creating new resident parking zones in areas which do not currently have them?

If Brighton and Hove City Council insists on pushing through this highly unpopular measure, it will become a nightmare.

I strongly urge councillors of all parties on the environment committee to throw these proposals out when they meet on Thursday.

-Sharon Hamlin, Over Street, Brighton