I have just got back from my third visit to the Third World in the past six months.

As I drove out of Gatwick through the litter and past the graffiti, I thought about some of our First World benefits, such as food, water, housing, security and health.

Food: Thanks to the big supermarkets, we have plenty of food and, although Chancellor Brown takes the credit, supermarkets have made the major contribution to low inflation. The Government rewards them by announcing an enquiry into their activities.

Water: As my wipers swept rain off the windscreen, I wondered how, when it is always raining here, can we be short of water?

Housing: We do not have enough housing and our young people face a crisis but John Prescott has done nothing - building homes was not on his list of priorities. In our country, where your home is your pension, what future do our young people face?

Security: We don't lock enough prisoners up, we lose them, let them out or, if they are foreigners, give them citizenship and benefits.

In China, they are building roads, airports, industry, homes and gardens and giving the people what they want and need. There is a long way to go but they have started.

Human rights campaigners do not like China - it puts a bullet in the heads of paedophiles, murderers and rapists. Malaya executes drug dealers - we let them go free.

Health: I spent a night in a Third World hospital which was spotlessly clean and smelt of disinfectant.

I came back to the Royal Sussex County Hospital where I found great nursing but it was filthy. I had an infected toe. You would not want to put your infected toe on that floor. Welcome to the Third World - you don't have to go abroad to find it.

-Chris Rackley, Chanctonbury Road, Burgess Hill