Rubber blocks made from compressed lorry and car tyres are laid between railway lines at modern level crossings.

It has been suggested this could be extended to allow disused railway lines to be turned into new roads (The Argus, May 31).


Passenger trains carry hundreds of citizens, whereas a car often has one driver. And a 100mph freightliner has the capacity of 50 lorries.

This brilliant modernisation of our roads for rapid transportation across the nation should have begun years ago.

It would have reduced the huge number of imported road vehicles which would not only make for a healthier balance of payments but a much faster, healthier and less road-accident-prone UK transportation system.

The European Union could pay Britain to take its mountains of old tyres to finish the modernisation of our roads to railways - which would be about the only time we got anything out of the EU.

-John Stanaway, Lorna Road, Hove