A couple are celebrating after they were picked to supply art materials for 1,500 students at the London College of Fashion.

Vannessa Collins and boyfriend Dave Heerasing are the owners of Mini Artworks in North Road, Brighton, which sells handmade miniature PVC canvases printed with their own photographs.

Customers can have an image blown up and then split into four blocks or they can bring their own image and have it made into a mini artwork.

A director at the London College of Fashion who lives in Brighton popped into their shop and was impressed with the work.

Now he has commissioned them to produce blank canvases for every student at the college's summer exhibition so they can create their own mini pieces.

Vanessa said: "I don't know what to do with myself I'm so excited.

"All we have to do is prepare all the canvases, put them in a box and send them off."

The couple have also just launched their interactive website where people can play with images and create their own art online.

For more information visit www.miniartworks.co.uk .

Monday, July 3, 2006