In the face of ever-mounting concern that the King Alfred scheme is unviable, Alan McCarthy attempts to imply serious community and environmental concerns should be waived because, as he puts it, "...the scheme will be designed by an internationally-acclaimed architectural team with input from sculptor Anthony Gormley" (The Argus, June 29).

In this era of the "starchitect", the obsessive cult of the celebrity and vapid glitz, this statement is enlightening and absolutely par-for-the-course - c'mon, you dreary whingers, how could anyone in Hove possibly want things to be otherwise?

Who gives a fig about the environment, impact on water, schools, healthcare, transport and conservation areas as long as we'll have a shiny, mega-gigantic tin sculpture by a celeb to stare at every day?

Even better: We may actually be granted the rare opportunity to subsidise this masterpiece with our taxes. Who could possibly ask for more? Instead of moaning, Hove's citizens should be endlessly grateful for the privilege.

-C Wunderman, Hove